Water Issues that Could Be Affecting Your Drinking Supply

Water is vital to life and your health, so it’s essential that your water at home is safe to drink. Learn about various issues that could affect your water and how they are treated.


Radon is hard to detect without proper testing, as it is colorless, tasteless, and odorless. This radioactive gas can be a very serious health risk if it’s left unchecked for too long. Radon can be typically found in very low levels in drinking water from lakes and rivers, and usually higher levels in well water. Radon testing in Maine or in the state where you live is something you shouldn’t put off!

To get your water properly treated for radon, a professional can aerate it to bring the radon down to a lower concentration. Aeration mixes clean air with well water, helping to remove 99% of radon. An alternative to aeration is a carbon system, which removes up to 95% of radon.


Like radon, arsenic is odorless and tasteless. It is a semi-metal element that can affect groundwater through natural deposits or bedrock aquifers, especially in New England. Long-term exposure to arsenic can cause cancer in the skin, lungs, or other areas, as well as cause other health problems.

If arsenic is found in your water supply through testing, the issue can be treated using various filters and techniques.


Nitrates are nitrogen-oxygen chemical units which are typically used as fertilizers. If nitrates are consumed in high amounts, especially in babies or the elderly, serious health problems could arise. Nitrates usually contaminate water through fertilizer runoff or septic tank leaks.
Professionals will determine the best course of action and can choose from a few different techniques to remove excess nitrates. These options include electrodialysis, reverse osmosis, and ion exchange.

Get Water Tested Regularly

As these are just a few issues that could affect your water supply, it is essential to get your water supply tested regularly by a professional.