What Exactly Is Radon and Why Is It Dangerous?

Radon is a substance found naturally in the soil and rock. Unfortunately, high levels of radon in a home’s water supply can be dangerous to the home’s occupants. It’s important to understand the specific dangers of radon as well as unacceptable levels of radon so that you can begin a professional radon removal process as soon as possible.

What Is Radon?

Radon is a radioactive gas that results from the natural decay of radioactive elements found in soil and rock. The gas is odorless, tasteless, and colorless, so it is extremely difficult to detect without proper testing. Unfortunately, this means that many people don’t suspect a problem with radon until they begin suffering health problems that can be caused by high levels of radon.

What Are the Effects of Radon?

The most serious health effect of radon is lung cancer, which generally results from breathing in air with high levels of radon. Some of the radon in the air comes from the water, and there are other health problems that come from drinking water with radon as well. The likelihood of developing internal organ cancers, such as stomach cancer is higher.

What Are “High” Levels of Radon?

Low levels of radon in surface water are normal. If the water in your home comes from surface water, such as lakes or reservoirs, the level is likely normal. Groundwater sources generally tend to have a much higher radon level. There are home and professional tests that can determine the exact level. The EPA suggests radon levels should be no higher than 4,000 pCi/L. If the levels in your home exceed this, there are ways to lower it to an acceptable level.

How Can Radon Be Removed?

Radon in water can be treated using aeration. This essentially bubbles air from clean water through the groundwater source so that the radon gases are carried away via an exhaust fan. This can remove nearly all of the radon in your water. Carbon filter systems are another extremely effective method.